Al apretar los pernos o tuercas que unen un componente, siempre es una buena práctica el efectuarlo en en forma gradual y uniformemente para evitar la desalineación. La imagen muestra una secuencia de apriete seis pernos que sujetan un componente típico. repite la secuencia hasta que todos los tornillos están apretados uniformemente a la especificación.
BMW 3 Series Service Manual
General sequence for alternately tightening multiple fasteners
when tightening the bolts or nuts that attach a component, it is always good practice to tighten the bolts gradually and evenly to avoid misalignment or over stressing any one portion of the component. for components sealed with gaskets, this method helps to ensure that the gasket will seal properly and completely
where there are several fasteners, tighten them in a sequence alternating between opposite sides of the component. the picture shows such a sequence for tightening six bolts attaching a typical component. repeat the sequence until all the bolts are evenly tightened to the specification.